Change the director to the user (pi, usually /home/pi/) account directory:

In that folder, there should be a .config directory. Change to that one:

If it not already exists, create a directory named ‘autostart’:

Autostart in config

Change to that directory:

In that folder create (if it does not already exist) a file named tightnc.desktop. It can be created/edited with

Then add the following:

Save the content with CTRL-O and then exit with CTRL-X.

That’s it: Reboot Linux, and the VNC server will be running automatically.


Virtual Network Connection (VNC) with a VNC viewer is a good way to avoid too many input and output devices on a workbench: It allows me to use my desktop display, mouse, and keyboard for the Raspberry Pi. All it requires is a viewer on the desktop and a VNC server running on the Linux machine. To autostart the VNC server, a file (tightvnc.desktop) has to be created.

Happy VNCing!


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